Binance, the leading centralized exchange with the widest business coverage, holds the top market share.

Binance - Product Analysis (1/100)


1 Product Name


2 Overview

2.1 One-Line Product Overview

Binance, the leading centralized exchange with the widest business coverage, holds the top market share.

2.2 Basic Product Data

Data Source: TokenInsight

2.3 Product Financing History

Time Event  
2017.7 Established  
2017.7 BNB Token Sale $15 million
2017.9.1 Series A $10 million
2018.10.23 Strategic Investment Undisclosed
2022.4.7 Binance.US Seed Round $200 million

3 User Minds

Binance resembles the class leader in school—proficient in self-promotion and presentation, well-liked by classmates, and garnering support from over half of the class. Simultaneously, it excels academically by consistently maintaining the top position, displaying expertise in nearly all subjects, and showcasing versatility.

User Profile of Binance:

4 Product Architecture

Product Architecture

5 Binance Evolution

6 Business Model

Revenue (Q1 2023): 3.35 billion (20% of quarterly revenue used for BNB buyback and burn, 23rd BNB burn amounted to approximately $670 million)

Seven major profit-making businesses:

  1. Spot Trading Fees:
    1. Regular users: 0.1%
    2. Using BNB for fees: 0.075%
  2. Futures Trading Fees:
    1. USDS-Margined Contracts: Regular users: Maker 0.02% / Taker 0.04%; Using BNB for fees: Maker 0.018% / Taker 0.036%
    2. COIN-Margined Contracts: Regular users: Maker 0.01% / Taker 0.05%
  3. Options‘ Trading Fees
    1. Regular users: 0.02%
  4. Margin Borrowing Interest:
    1. Daily Interest Rates: BTC: 0.0046%, ETH: 0.006%, USDT: 0.014%
  5. Loans Interest
    1. Hourly Interest Rates: BTC: 0.000145%, ETH: 0.000194%, USDT: 0.000364%
  6. Deposit Fees:
    1. Fiat: Fee rates vary from 0% to 3.5% depending on the method
    2. Crypto: free
  7. Withdrawal Fees:
    1. Fiat: Fee rates vary from 0% to 2% depending on the method
    2. Crypto: determined by blockchain network congestion

7 Core Business Processes

7.1 Product Interfaces

Six client interfaces: iOS, Android, MacOS, Windows, Linux, and API.

Desktop usage accounts for over 50% of total users, while mobile access represents 21%.

7.2 Core Business - Spot Trading

Core Business * Spot Trading

8 Distinctive Features

Binance Coin (BNB) stands out among other platform coins like OKB (OKX), HT (Huobi), and GT (Gate) due to its extensive influence, higher prices, and relatively complete ecosystem. In this analysis, we will explore BNB from two perspectives: its technology and use cases.

8.1 Technology

Initially launched as an ERC-20 token on Ethereum, Binance Coin (BNB) conducted its initial coin offering (ICO) in 2017.

However, in April 2019, Binance launched its own blockchain called Binance Chain and conducted a token swap from the ERC-20 BNB tokens to the native BNB tokens on the Binance Chain. The migration from the Ethereum network to Binance Chain was done to provide more scalability, faster transactions, and greater control over the token’s features and functionality.

8.2 Use Cases

  1. Trading Fee Discounts: Using BNB on the Binance platform offers trading fee discounts (25% off for spot trading with BNB as fees, and 10% off for BNB-based fees on USDT-M Futures). This reduces users’ trading costs.
  2. Participating in Liquid Swap: By providing liquidity for trading pairs, users can engage in liquidity mining to earn rewards. For instance, providing liquidity for BNB/BTC pair earns BNB rewards with an annualized yield of 0.6%.
  3. Small Asset Conversion to BNB: Convert tokens with amounts below the minimum trading limit (10 USDT) into BNB, helping users aggregate scattered assets and unlock their greater value. For example, if there are 10 tokens with a total value of 5 USDT each, which cannot be traded individually, converting them to BNB would result in a total tradable amount of 50 USDT. Conversion is limited to once every 6 hours for assets with a valuation of less than 0.0012 BTC, and certain delisted coins are ineligible.
  4. Participating in Launchpad: Binance Launchpad is a platform for crowdfunding new projects. To participate, users need to hold a certain amount of BNB and apply for the token purchase before the lock-up period. After the token sale concludes, successful participants are randomly selected, and any remaining BNB is refunded to those who were not selected.
  5. NFT Trading: Enabling users to trade non-fungible tokens (NFTs) using BNB
  6. Binance Card Payments: Users can deposit BNB into the Binance Card and use it to purchase goods and services, such as booking hotels and flights on Travala.
  7. Payment Applications: Apart from Binance Card, BNB is accepted as a payment method by some merchants.

9 Summary and Insights

  1. The evolution of Binance from a mere exchange to the expansive Binance Group signifies its wide-ranging influence in the midstream and downstream sectors of the blockchain industry. Beyond exchange operations, the group engages in charity, investments, academia, research, podcast, labs, staking, liquid swap, launchpool, launchpad, and mining pools. This diverse array of services has transformed Binance into a comprehensive blockchain service provider.
  2. Binance boasts multiple global trading platforms, including the flagship Binance platform, as well as Binance Jersey, Binance Singapore, Binance US, Binance Australia, and Binance Korea. This extensive presence caters to diverse market needs across different regions.
  3. Exchanges are well-established applications in the blockchain industry, with trading fees as their primary revenue source. Estimated at approximately $3.35 billion in Q1 2023, Binance’s revenue is projected to reach $13.4 billion for the entire year. Even smaller exchanges with a 1% market share can anticipate revenue of around $210 million, leading to significant profits.
  4. Binance hosts an array of dynamic operational activities both online and offline. Online events include trading tournament competitions, community vote, Ask-Me-Anything (AMA) sessions, and fee discounts. Offline activities consist of project roadshows, meetups, and hackathons. These activities not only boost user engagement but also enhance Binance’s influence within the community.
  5. The app version undergoes weekly updates, with minor versions receiving updates twice a week. This rapid iteration pace empowers Binance to promptly introduce new features, enhance user experience, and meet market demands, ultimately contributing to its remarkable ascent as the world’s top trading platform in just five months since its inception.

